‚Inner Life‘
The changing seasons not only affect the life of plants and the life and soul life of animals and humans, the soul life of the whole earth also changes over the course of the year and alternates between waking and sleeping.
Only in winter, when life has retreated so much, the „soul“ is fully awake.
In winter the earth withdraws the sap-carrying power, the „life juices“ of the outside inwards, wakes up having all the different powers preciously inside.
Because what was there all summer long in blossoms and leaves, what in summer abounds, grows, blooms, in the buttercups, the roses, the carnations: in winter it is under the earth, there it feels, is working, progressing, and rejoices.
The plant world is the soul world of the earth that has become visible and can therefore be compared with the human soul.
Winter is the dark season of the year with the power of thoughts, the time when we get pulled back inside, the time of homeliness, coziness, the Inner Life and inner values.
All these soulful thoughts, our immediate surroundings, the Slowflower Movement, plants & animals, Still Life aesthetics, dried flowers, taking root inside, herd life and being together, pause and waiting for the light season - inspired us for our winter collection „Inner Life“.
Fotos by Johanna & Elena Ruebel
Model Claudia